Every effort is made to keep high standards in academics for providing quality education to students. A free teacher taught interaction; extension of classroom teaching to library studies; for inspiring independent thinking; regular class tests; extra supplementary studies are a few features of promotion of academics of high order and the students show bright results. In addition, the curriculum gives a balanced importance to Academics, Computers, Physical Education and performing the Visual Arts.

 Examination & Promotion

The Academic year is divided into three Terms. There are also Class/ Unit/ Cycle Tests for continuous evaluation. Promotion is based on progress made in daily work and the average of marks obtained in the class/unit/cycle tests and terminal examinations.A minimum score of 40% in each subject in each examination/test is necessary for promotion to the next class.

The Games and Sports

There is provision of all types of indoor and outdoor major and minor games. The children are encouraged to take part in sports activities, ANNUAL ACTIVTYS & YOGA.

Medical Care

First Aid and elementary medical care is provided to all students. A well equipped First Aid Kit is always maintained. Other medical expenses are billed to the parents. In all cases parents are immediately informed by telephone.


Students of all age groups are constantly encouraged to develop an interest in reading. The facilities of Class Library, School Library and Reading Room are available. The School Library offers a variety of books ranging from Fiction to Biography, Science and Classics. There is suitable reading material in Hindi, English and Punjabi as well as a comprehensive Reference Section comprising Encyclopedias on different subjects.